High quality custom fabricated duct and fittings in the fastest possible time frame.
Fast turn-around times on small rush fittings such as plenum adapters. Usually 1-2 hours from time of order.
- High quality custom fabricated duct and fittings in the fastest possible time frame.
- Fast turn-around times on small rush fittings such as plenum adapters. Usually 1-2 hours from time of order.
- Full service order desk for tools, fasteners, sealers, slips, drives, etc. We have a full lineup of round stock to complement our custom shop. All your needs in a one stop shop.

Some of our stock includes...
- Grilles and Registers
- Access Doors
- Spiral and Flexible pipe
- B-Vent and A- Vent
- PVC Pipe
- Fire Dampers
- Welded Ductwork
- From Light gauge residential to ¼” steel plate, typically using 26 to 16 gauge galv.